Reiki Weight Loss Study

7 02 2011

I have LOST 20 POUNDS SINCE OCTOBER after treating myself with WEIGHT LOSS REIKI (see my WEIGHT LOSS REIKI page for details). It was a SUCCESS for me, but I need to know how it works for YOU. This is the first study for a BOOK I AM WRITING about the EFFECTS and APPLICATIONS OF REIKI in today’s society.

The WEIGHT LOSS Reiki Study Includes:

* Consultation about Weight Loss GOALS
* 3 Distance of Direct Reiki Treatments (with the intention of Weight Loss)
* Study Information and Data collected

This package is VALUED at $120
BUT with February’s Study YOU ONLY PAY $85

Besides Weight Loss, Reiki leads to:

* Clarity
* Creativity
* Overall sense of health and well-being
* Reduction in Stress

Reiki is a process that CLEARS BLOCKED ENERGY and CHAKRAS so the BODY MAY HEAL ITSELF. Results may vary, but there is always a results.

I ONLY NEED 10 participants to get started, so CONTACT ME TODAY for qualification…. or comment HERE!!!!

Healing on Purpose,


Migraine Relief through Reiki

5 02 2011

Anyone who has experienced a migraine knows how painful and debilitating they can be. I have suffered from migraines for years. Aside from the common cold or sports related injuries, I never really experienced any physical illness. As a senior in high school I was diagnosed with migraines. For 3 months, my pain mostly came in and out, but I always had some pressure in my head. When I finally went to my doctor, he couldn’t find anything wrong. He ran several tests. At 17, I endured MRI’s and blood tests. In the end, my diagnosis was simple; I suffered from migraines. I had no idea what this meant, but was given about 3 different pills for varying degrees of pain.

I began to suffer more and more frequently. At one point last year, I was having 2 to 3 migraines a week. I had a migraine routine. I would lay down in a dark room (movement and light are a migraines best friends and can make any pressure unbearable).  

Through diet and supplemente, I have been able to decrease the frequency of my “migraine attacks,” but from time to time, I still get them. This past Monday I was geared up for a day of work and out of nowhere I began to feel a very familiar pressure on my skull. I stretched out on my sofa, grabbed an eye mask and prepared to fall into a mini comma, while waiting for the pain to subside. Just as I was about to resign myself to doing nothing for the rest of the day, I remembered Reiki.

Reiki clears energy in your 7 primary Chakras and allows your body to heal itself. I thought, there must be something that Reiki can do for my migraine. I prepared myself to work on myself, not sure if I would succeed, since I myself wasn’t able to focus on anything.

My Intention: To allow my body to release any built up pressure that was causing me discomfort and heal itself.

Hand Placement: I placed one hand on my Root Chakra (palm inward) and the other on my Crown Chakra (with my palm facing up and out). My goal was for the energy to travel through my body collecting any negativity or blockage and release it through my Crown.

Meditation: I breathed in healing and exhaled pain, tension and discomfort (quick note: sometimes envisioning breath as color helps me to focus.)

I worked for what seemed like forever (but only ended up being about 15 minutes). I was breathing and releasing; focusing and releasing. In the end, my pain wasn’t completely gone, but I was able to move around and get back to work. After about 30 minutes, my migraine was completely gone and though I was a little drained from focusing so hard and releasing so much, I was relieved.

I am elated to have found a new and interesting use for Reiki and I am pleased to share my story with you, but please remember it is MY STORY. I cannot claim to cure migraines or any illness for that matter, but I do know that Reiki works. Every body is different, so your healing and experiences will be different. My only goal is to share what I know and have experienced.

Healing on Purpose,


My Healing Purpose through Reiki!

29 01 2011

My purpose is healing through Reiki. Purpose is a scary thing. Purpose is defined as the reason for which something (or in my case, someone) exists. How strange to think that there IS a reason for you being here. That, that PURPOSE is defined and talent must be used. To think that you have a goal for an entire lifetime is overwhelming. And being so overwhelming, it can actually make you stagnate. My purpose has followed me all my life and (though not literally) fell in my lap.

My purpose is to heal. Reiki is the vehicle by which I fulfill that purpose. Let me begin by saying, I have always been a healer. I have always been open to the universe. However, it is through my Reiki practice that I am able to hone and focus that healing.

About 5 years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting my first Reiki master. At the time, I didn’t know anything about Reiki, but she did tell me that I should pursue this way of life. Eventually I made my way to California and was presented with the opportunity to study Reiki. Reiki, like anything gives you what you give it. My certification was like most, with the exception of my insanely gifted Reiki Master-Practitioner, Rhonda Kuykendall-Jabari

The process is simple. We set an intention for your session. You relax. I hover about you doing what I do. You can choose to have contact or no contact. Each chakra has a specific connection to emotional and physical aspects of your life. When these are blocked, you can experience depression, repression and illness. My goal in a session is to clear these blocked chakras and clear a path for your body to do what it was created to do and heal itself. The laws of energy and the universe are set in stone; therefore, Reiki is like resting on arithmetic; 1 + 1 will always equal 2. For me the consistency of Reiki is comforting. Energy will always be moved. Chakras will always be unblocked and some form of healing will always take place. 

It is in this security that I am able to move. My Reiki Master, Rhonda always says that energy is smarter than we are and if we open ourselves up, the universe will do the rest. I have learned to let go and live in this. It was the conscious decision to let myself be led that has brought me to this place. I am excited about the possibilities this blog will present to heal the world. I look forward to moving you toward a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life. 

I am walking in my purpose. Let me help you do the same.

Healing on purpose,
